While the Indian summer already seems far away and winter is setting in, now is the time to prepare your pet so that he is warm!
As you know, most small dogs and some large dogs do not have enough hair and are not naturally adapted to survive our extreme climates without additional protection that will keep them warm.
It is therefore advisable to provide them with a durable coat . This is essential in your dog's wardrobe to avoid frostbite, catching a cold or even experiencing skin problems. In addition, by equipping your companion with a coat, you can avoid snowballs in his fur!
Equipping your dog with boots helps prevent problems for both you and your dog. In addition to protecting the paws from salt, this helps avoid the risk of cuts and burns that often take a long time to heal. In addition, there can be an accumulation of snow under the paws which can be very uncomfortable for our companions.
To keep warm and protect the paws further, leg warmers are accessories that will add style and comfort.
Finally, for a more wintery appearance and greater protection, get your faithful companion the basic hat or arctic tuque . A colorful scarf will also liven up your look.
Pitou will now be ready to face our long Quebec winter!
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