A grain-free food with turkey, turkey broth, goose and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Turkey, duck meal, turkey broth, lentils, chickpeas, peas, potatoes, turkey liver, chicken meal, pea...
A German-inspired grain-free food made with rabbit, duck, peas, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Rabbit, duck, pork, chickpeas, lentils, peas, potatoes, pork, pea flour, pork fat,...
A food specially prepared with duck, sweet potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Duck, duck meal, chicken, oat groats, brown rice, pearl barley, white rice, chicken meal,...
A French-inspired grain-free food with chicken, cheese and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Chicken, chicken meal, chickpeas, lentils, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dried egg, dried tomato pomace, chicken...
A food specially prepared with salmon, sweet potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Salmon, salmon meal, fish broth, oatmeal, brown rice, pearl barley, chicken fat, dried egg...
Gourmet grain-free Greek cuisine prepared in small batches with lamb, lamb meal, lentils and assorted fruits and vegetables INGREDIENTS Lamb, lamb meal, lentils, chickpeas, peas, dried egg product, pea flour,...
A New Zealand-inspired food, specially prepared with lamb, whole oats, whole barley and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Lamb, whole oats, whole barley, dried egg product, oat groats,...
A grain-free food with salmon, fish broth, chicken, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Salmon, fish broth, chicken, salmon meal, duck meal, lentils, chickpeas, peas, potatoes, chicken...
A grain-free food with salmon, fish broth, chicken, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Salmon, fish broth, chicken, salmon meal, duck meal, lentils, chickpeas, peas, potatoes, chicken...
A food specially prepared with white fish, fish broth, sweet potatoes, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS White fish, fish broth, Menhaden fish meal, sweet potatoes, potatoes,...
Specially prepared food with pork, apples, sweet potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables INGREDIENTS Pork, pork meal, oat groats, pearl barley, pork liver, brown rice, white rice, dried...
A food specially prepared with chicken, chicken broth, sweet potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Chicken, chicken broth, chicken meal, oatmeal, pearl barley, sweet potatoes, brown rice,...