A delicious blend of beef, oats, potatoes and vegetables to please your dog! Ingredients: whole orghum, beef, pork liver, oat flour, pearl barley, potatoes, sweet potatoes, dried egg product, coconut...
A delight with peanut butter, strawberries and blueberries, to recreate the famous peanut-butter and jelly that we loved so much as children! Ingredients: Whole grain sorghum, rolled oats, pearl barley,...
What happens when you mix chicken, blueberries and a touch of tapioca? This means we make a delicious, healthy and crunchy dog treat. INGREDIENTS Chickpeas, peas, chicken, potatoes, pea starch,...
Finely chopped salmon and chicken cooked in chicken broth with potatoes, carrots and peas. INGREDIENTS Salmon, chicken, chicken broth, chicken liver, potatoes, carrots, flax seeds, peas, tomato paste, salt, potassium...
Finely chopped turkey cooked in broth with barley, potatoes and carrots. INGREDIENTS Turkey, broth, turkey liver, pearl barley, potatoes, carrots, chicken, peas, tomato paste, salt, potassium chloride, minerals, dicalcium phosphate,...
Finely ground turkey cooked in turkey broth with pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes. INGREDIENTS Turkey, turkey broth, turkey liver, chickpeas, peas, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomato paste, potassium chloride, salt,...
Finely chopped white fish cooked in fish broth with lentils, sweet potatoes and carrots. INGREDIENTS White fish, fish broth, lentils, salmon oil, sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, peas, tomato paste, salt,...
A grain-free dish with beef, beef broth, lentils, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Beef, beef broth, dried egg product, lentils, peas, pork meal, potatoes, sweet potatoes,...
A food specially prepared with chicken, chicken broth, sweet potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Chicken, chicken broth, chicken meal, oatmeal, pearl barley, sweet potatoes, brown rice,...
Specially prepared food with pork, apples, sweet potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables INGREDIENTS Pork, pork meal, oat groats, pearl barley, pork liver, brown rice, white rice, dried...
A food specially prepared with white fish, fish broth, sweet potatoes, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS White fish, fish broth, Menhaden fish meal, sweet potatoes, potatoes,...
A grain-free food with salmon, fish broth, chicken, potatoes and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. INGREDIENTS Salmon, fish broth, chicken, salmon meal, duck meal, lentils, chickpeas, peas, potatoes, chicken...